Here are the parts with their new nickel plating. It is always fun unwrapping the parts and seeing the new finish.

15h039t 1

Unfortunately, the plating budget is being blown to smithereens. And there are a few more parts to do. One is the door face plate which is a complicated piece to do. When I picked up these parts I discussed options with the plater. I think I have come up with a plan to restore it to original. Hope so, or it will be an expensive mistake.

2gudxjc 1

We also discussed the inner door plate that surrounds the lock and time lock. It is copper plated with a black oxide finish that is polished away in swirls. I will have some test pieces plated in copper to do some tests on before tackling the original.

jqni94 1

Hopefully the artwork will be done soon, until then, the project is stalled.