Quote Originally Posted by Markfd View Post
You were correct, it was a rivet. Now drilled out, hinge tapped & oversized screw made. Just got to get safe body upstairs now. Hopefully 2 people can carry it.
Sorry Markfd, for some reason I wasn't informed by email of this last response.

If I'm not too late, I would avoid any attempt at actually trying to bodily lift the safe to get it up the stair.
An alternative would be to lay the safe in a piece of strong carpet about the size of a hearthrug next to the bottom step then manipulating the bottom back edge on to the step and heaving the safe over to the point of balance on the step. The carpet should be so arranged that at least on person above the safe can obtain a firm grasp of the carpet while two people below grip the lower corners. It's then a matter of single heaves to lift the safe up each individual step.
If there is sufficient room for two persons above the safe then all the better. I guess that this Milner will weight about 4½ to 5 cwts which is a bit much for 3 people to cope with safely. At least this method allows for momentary rests while carrying doesn't.