Thanks for that Warren, just had a look under completed listings and it's still a bit of a mystery, as the fixings and plate/handle look to be reversed to what you'd expect.

Unless it's off something big enough to need the plate on the inside and a small drop handle on the outside, which is unlikely, as you've seen them attached to drawer type fronts, it seems more like its been reversed for the photos.

It'd make more sense if the pressed plate and handle were on the same side, assuming it's a drawer or cash box type container, that way the slotted retaining screws and washers would be on the inside and handle on the outside. Wish I'd seen the one with the front still attached as that might throw more light on it, especially if it didn't have a keyhole.

To make things worse, it's more than likely we had all the rest of the bits, but it's anyone's guess where they've ended up since 1972 :-(