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Thread: What is Rare

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2019
    Country: UK

    Default What is Rare

    What do we call Rare? As a collector of Handcuffs and Restraints my other interest is coin collecting. In the coin collecting community we have a scale from very common to R15 which indicates an extremely rare or possibly unique coin. Generally the rarer the item the more valuable it is. However, regarding handcuffs there are many rare, unique or hard to obtain items. The rarity does not always reflect on their value. I have two examples here both from
    Germany. The first is made by Bonowi and has a unique key with 3 cuts, the second is a Deutsche Polizei handcuff that has a 3 lever mechanism. These are both rare for collectors to
    add to their collection as they are restricted for sale to authorised police and prison departments. What are you thoughts on rarity?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Country: UK

    Default rare?

    Perhaps 'rare' needs revising in view of the numbers of items previously thought to be rare now appearing, because it is easy to see a worldwide market of sellers all over the world on a few major web auction sites.
    Many sellers optimistically labels itemsas rare, even antique, which are neither. Not sure whether this is ignorance, or fraud.

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