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Thread: Safe ID Tann.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2024
    Country: Australia

    Post Safe ID Tann.

    Hey all,

    Firstly thanks for your time and efforts.

    i acquired this Tann safe and was hoping to get some info on it like model and the type of combinations locks they are so I can look into changing the codes and getting the keys to do this.

    The safe in in Australia, there is a serial number (A0814 S) on the door at the top see pictures also attached.
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    IMG_2673.jpeg   IMG_2671.jpeg  

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Country: Australia


    If I were you I would dispose of that safe just about as quickly as you can.

    The S in the serial number indicates its a ' Smoker ' as such exercise caution and don't be tempted to drill any holes of any size in it.

    As to change keys - those are Kromer locks. Not common and not easy to find at all.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2024
    Country: Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by oldlock View Post
    If I were you I would dispose of that safe just about as quickly as you can.

    The S in the serial number indicates its a ' Smoker ' as such exercise caution and don't be tempted to drill any holes of any size in it.

    As to change keys - those are Kromer locks. Not common and not easy to find at all.
    Why would it be a concern? If I don’t plan on drilling holes in the safe?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Country: Australia


    The chemicals used are known to degrade, and then expand / leak etc. Sometimes jamming the safe shut and locked in the process. I would not use one, all banks went through a disposal process for them once the problems were known. It's a liability ...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Country: Australia


    A lot of myths about the chemicals with these safes. The safes that bubble are thought to be the salt content in the sand. I have never seen a leaky smoke tube In the hundreds that I have seen the tubes removed. I have seen the outside weep with rust and the tubes in perfect condition.

    On the other hand attack the safe incorrectly can cause serious injury. Drilling and tapping a nameplate put a safemaker in hospital for months. Depending on how you set off a tube they can build pressure and explode. No stopping them when they start.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Country: United States


    Is it possible to determine, by inspection, whether the "smoker" apparatus has already been removed? One of the posted pictures shows the interior of the door and boltwork. Where was the smoker installed?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Country: Wales


    Some good info already on here covering the Tann's with the brock's chemical tubes- there's possibly more but a quick 'smoker' search found these two:

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Country: New Zealand


    Hi Joel
    Not really knowing the circumstances with which you are using the safe, you may need to consider what the chances are of the safe being attacked.
    If you are using it for a commercial application(jeweller) the chances of attack are higher than they would be if you just have it at home and you are storing your passport and car keys.
    Where I am going with this is even criminals these days require a safe work environment, and if a would be attacker does set off the smoke and gets injured, I feel there would be a lot of H&S administration to follow.
    You also need to consider what happens in the case of a mechanical fault and you get locked out.
    Might be difficult to get anyone to assist knowing what it is.
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