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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2017
    Country: United States

    Default What's up with all the "Attached Thumbnails" non-links?

    I'm new here, so... In thread after thread I see "Attached Thumbnails" at the bottom of posts, but there is no thumbnail and there is no link to anything. What's going on?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Bournemouth, UK
    Country: UK


    I see you joined in 2017, so is this something that has recently occurred or has it always been the case, have you recently changed your computer/device?

    I have checked a few posts and don't see the issue you are referring to, advise a specific post and I can check further when I'm sure we can get to the bottom of it...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2017
    Country: United States


    Here's a screenshot from this thread: https://www.antique-locks.com/showth...g-barb-padlock. I couldn't get your image upload to work, so I'm having to link to an external site. - (Moderators note: spam link deleted)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Bournemouth, UK
    Country: UK


    Thanks for that - the legitimate link is showing the thumbnails on all our devices and also on other moderator devices, and no reports of problems with other users. The other link, which appears to be a spam link, does have problems and as such has been deleted.

    One thing you can try is to clear your cache, also the questions in my previous post don't seem to have been clarified so cant get to the bottom of your problem. do contact us (Team Leader in header) when we can try to sort out any issues to get you back to a proper Antique- Locks experience.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Country: United States


    Has this been resolved?

    A few thoughts, things bnorton49 can try:

    Perhaps your anti-virus is too aggressive, turn it off briefly and try again.

    There may be a stray browser setting that is overly protective. Do you have a different browser on the same computer you can try?

    Of course you can try a different computer. If that works, at least it would verify that it's localized and not necessarily the web site.

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