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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    Country: Ireland


    Quote Originally Posted by Warren63 View Post
    So is the other round Chancery Lane a thin dog tag type ? I think the reason the Hobbs ones are less common is because the were actually putting the reward tag as part of the bow and adding the number to the key. How many different Chubb tags do you have then John? These are all the actual tags I have other than about half a dozen of the ring type your wanting a swap for.
    2 round Chancery lane tags are very similar except the wording is slightly different, have to confess Ive never seen a reward offered on an actual key before , I have about 12 Chubb tags , some Milner and a couple of Chatwood

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    Country: Ireland


    Another couple of Keyrings from my collection - safe related
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Sargent.jpg   Bruxelles.jpg  

  3. #13
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Carlisle, England.
    Country: England


    Do you have anything relating to Dutch safe Co LIPS in London.? I acquired this plaque earlier in the year and can’t find anything about an address or office in London. I would love to see your Chubb tags too John, when you have time. There were quite a few addresses relating to their works and offices, but I only have ever seen safe plaques with the Queen Victoria’s and St. Paul’s addresses on.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails BE158890-A4D6-4227-9D48-C06CDCF0277F.jpeg  

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    Country: Ireland


    Just got the Lips Keyring recently and no nothing else about them , nice to know that they have a London connection , attached some Chubb photos
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Chubb Wanted.jpg   Chubb2.jpg   Chubb3.jpg   Chubb4.jpg   chubb8.jpg  

    chubb15.jpg   Chubb19.jpg   Chubb20.jpg   Chubbjune2019.jpg   ChubbLondonNo-.jpg  

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    Country: Ireland


    Some more
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails ChubbSun2.jpg   ChubbSun1.jpg   ChubbSun3.jpg   ChubbSun4.jpg   ChubbSun5.jpg  


  6. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    Country: Ireland


    A selection of advertising Keyrings for exchange-
    Collar maker Welch & Margetson & Co London & Londonderry
    Prevention s better than cure
    Amalgamated key
    Lodge Plugs
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Amalgamated2.jpg   Welch.jpg   Provident.jpg   LodgePlugs.jpg   P&Co.jpg  

  7. #17
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Carlisle, England.
    Country: England


    You’ve got some really nice ones there John! I quite like style of the later ones that are embossed. And you have all the different addresses too. Nice to see the rewards going upwards as well. Re your LIPS ring:- Chubb actually bought the company eventually. I Can’t remember when exactly but sometime between 1950s and 70s. You have a really nice collection by the looks of it. The safe company ones are quite few and far between nowadays. Do you specifically collect safe makers key tags? I think they used to make anywhere between £15 and £30 a few years ago, but you have some really rare ones among them so the sky’s the limit. Once a collector sets his mind on something, well we both know the feeling, being collectors ourselves. I’ve sort of stopped collecting the keys and tags nowadays and concentrate more on safe plaques. I really wish we both had something to swap (plaques) for the two tags I have, because I would really like them to go to yourself . Do you have any Edwin Cotterill ones? At some point soon I’m going to start selling off my keys on eBay because if I croak it there’s a high chance my daughters will sell them on again for next to nothing. My original intention was to display my safe plaques on the walls and put the keys and tags below each corresponding maker, but I now have all the plaques laying under my bed and I’m waiting for the ceiling downstairs to come through if I don’t display them soon 😀.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    Country: Ireland


    I actually have very few reward tags associated with Safe Companies ,maybe 100 or so connected to Scottish National Key Registry & British Key & Property Co - 2 biggest producers , Ive never heard of Edwin Cotterill ,safe maker ? Like yourself Im reducing my collection of other item for the same reason , so just Key Reward / Registry Tags & Antique Advertising Keyrings which hopefully one of my children will find interesting , I never did have any safe plaques but over the years I seem to have amassed a lot of different keys - most likely bought as part of a lot on Ebay just to get a reward tag , problem with selling them is the weight and postage costs ,should have stuck with stamps lol

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Country: Wales


    Quote Originally Posted by Warren63 View Post
    Do you have anything relating to Dutch safe Co LIPS in London.? I acquired this plaque earlier in the year and can’t find anything about an address or office in London.
    It was a sales office in kingsway, I will post it over in your original Lips London thread.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Carlisle, England.
    Country: England


    Quote Originally Posted by JohnPowell View Post
    I actually have very few reward tags associated with Safe Companies ,maybe 100 or so connected to Scottish National Key Registry & British Key & Property Co - 2 biggest producers , Ive never heard of Edwin Cotterill ,safe maker ? Like yourself Im reducing my collection of other item for the same reason , so just Key Reward / Registry Tags & Antique Advertising Keyrings which hopefully one of my children will find interesting , I never did have any safe plaques but over the years I seem to have amassed a lot of different keys - most likely bought as part of a lot on Ebay just to get a reward tag , problem with selling them is the weight and postage costs ,should have stuck with stamps lol
    Stamps , good one 😀! Most annoying thing about buying several to get one is eBay and PayPal take a bite a 2nd time again when you try and get rid of the ones you don’t want !!! I’d probably be about £2000 better off with postage costs alone if I’d collected stamps too.

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