19-04-19, 05:13 PM #1
Milners Safe Company Limited - Board Minute Books 1874 - 1935
Access to The History of Locks Museum Archive original documents is welcomed and available to visitors by prior arrangement.
To include your company or product in the Archive send hard-copy (press cuttings, flyers, brochers, catalouges, documents etc,) to:
HoL Archive, 581 Charminster Road, Bournemouth, BH8 9RQ, UK.
Or for more information contact: [email protected].
19-04-19, 06:48 PM #2
Milners Safe Company Limited Minute Book Volume 1
Milners Safe Company Limited Minute Book Volume 1, covering the period 14th August 1874 to 17th October 1879.
The first entry records (pages 1-8): First meeting of the board; Held at the offices of the company, Cornhill on Friday 14th August 1874; Present C J Ritchie, M B Loch, N Clay and D R Ratcliff; Topics include: C J Ritchie chairman; Articles agreed 29th July 1874; Share capital; Quorum for Board Meetings; Confirmed appointment of R D Ratcliff; Bankers appointed; Solicitors appointed; Broker appointed; Auditors appointed; Company Secretary appointed; First issue of 10,500 shares; Allotment of shares; Ordinary Board Meetings 2nd Friday every month; Managing Directors discretion to act on behalf of company; Cheques to be signed by two directors; Attaching Company Seal to documents; Reject (share) applicants reimbursed. Signed by C J Richie.
In all there are 330 written up pages recording Board meetings to 17th October 1879.Access to The History of Locks Museum Archive original documents is welcomed and available to visitors by prior arrangement.
To include your company or product in the Archive send hard-copy (press cuttings, flyers, brochers, catalouges, documents etc,) to:
HoL Archive, 581 Charminster Road, Bournemouth, BH8 9RQ, UK.
Or for more information contact: [email protected].
21-04-19, 05:17 AM #3
Milners Safe Company Limited Minute Book Volume 2
Milners Safe Company Limited Minute Book Volume 2, covering the period 14th November 1879 to 10th October 1884.
The first entry records: Meeting held at Milners Buildings, Finsbury London on Friday November14th 1879; Present C J Ritchie, J Charley, Clay, D R Ratcliffe; Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. Topics include; Bank balances; Bills receivable; Transfers submitted/certificates granted; Certificates cancelled; Cheques drawn; Advertising; Slotting machine for safe hinges ordered; Agent for the East; Boiler flues; Alum quotation/contract; Claim re non supply of iron. Signed by C J Ritchie, Chairman.
In all there are 314 written up pages recording Board meetings to the 10th October 1884.Access to The History of Locks Museum Archive original documents is welcomed and available to visitors by prior arrangement.
To include your company or product in the Archive send hard-copy (press cuttings, flyers, brochers, catalouges, documents etc,) to:
HoL Archive, 581 Charminster Road, Bournemouth, BH8 9RQ, UK.
Or for more information contact: [email protected].
21-04-19, 05:18 AM #4
Milners Safe Company Limited Minute Book Volume 3
Milners Safe Company Limited Minute Book Volume 3, covering the period 14th November 1884 to 9th July 1889.
The first entry records (pages 1-3): Meeting held at Milners Buildings, Finsbury London on Friday November 14 1884; Present: C J Ritchie, W Charley, D R Ratcliff, W Mackenzie. Topics discussed include: Bank Balance; Bills received, Transfers approved and certificates issued; Certificates cancelled; Report on the special section know used by the company; Report on the hydraulic riveting machine; commission rates on Government sales; unpaid account; Safes sent to Calcutta Exhibition be returned; Cheques received; Salary of the Debenture Trustee; Notice given to Mr Woodbridge; Signed C Ritchie.
In all there are 263 written up pages recording Board Meetings to 9th July 1889.Access to The History of Locks Museum Archive original documents is welcomed and available to visitors by prior arrangement.
To include your company or product in the Archive send hard-copy (press cuttings, flyers, brochers, catalouges, documents etc,) to:
HoL Archive, 581 Charminster Road, Bournemouth, BH8 9RQ, UK.
Or for more information contact: [email protected].
21-04-19, 05:19 AM #5
Milners Safe Company Limited Minute Book Volume 4
Milners Safe Company Limited Minute Book Volume 4, covering the period 11th July 1889 to June 2nd 1892.
The first entry records (pages 1 - 2): Meeting held at Finsbury on Thursday July 11th 1889; Present: Daniel R Ratcliff in the Chair, Sir William J Charley, Major W M Mackenzie, Samuel Studd, James J Ritchie. Topics Discussed/Resolved include: Bills receivable; Transfers approved/certificates granted; cheques issued drawn; Whitehead/Probyn case; Transfer books closed 12th - 26th. Balance sheet for past year considered; Ratcliff extra remuneration; Studd honorariums; Report & Accounts/sharholders dividend. Signed Daniel R Ratcliff.
In all there are 261 written up pages recording Board Meetings up to 2 June 1892.Access to The History of Locks Museum Archive original documents is welcomed and available to visitors by prior arrangement.
To include your company or product in the Archive send hard-copy (press cuttings, flyers, brochers, catalouges, documents etc,) to:
HoL Archive, 581 Charminster Road, Bournemouth, BH8 9RQ, UK.
Or for more information contact: [email protected].
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This safe appeared just before the end of the century, named to suggest it was ahead of its time. Price was in poor health in his last years, with a live-in nurse. Without his drive, the company...
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