Quote Originally Posted by Chubby View Post
You could infill with fire resisting plasterboard. That includes alum crystals and it would be a good deal less messy. any remaining void could be grouted using plaster. It would add a bit of weight to the unit and give you some fire resistance. No matter what you do you aren't going to get an insurance rating on it. I suspect that this would be as good as anything.

I have seen fire resisting book safe strongroom doors with just plasterboard as the fire resisting medium.
Hi Chubby,
Thank you of the tip, not one I would have thought of. Regarding insurance ratings I was aware of that, and not concerned about it anyway, but fire prevention is of interest.
In many ways today's world makes no sense, I know full well getting into this safe without keys would be a serious trial, yet some of the modern safes I have seen are little more than tin cans relying more on electronics than construction. Yet insurance companies decree these elderly masterpieces to be worthless which is a shame as many could still be doing a grand job.