Thanks Yankee.

I've just tried your sequence as well ( both L-R-L-R and R-L-R-L), but still no joy.

I had previously tried every variation I could think of, had read about, etc (4x3x2x - turn for drop, passing 0 as first ref point, passing the first , then second, third, #'s as their own discrete reference points, both directions, etc), using every variation that I could think of - but still no joy. I'm turning super slow, medium speed, you name it. I make sure the door is hanging neutral, I jiggle the bolt handle,....I've even gotten down to listen with a stethoscope on the door, listening for noises - all to no avail.

I can't for the life of me figure out WHICH variation / sequence I used when I opened it the One time. (And HOW many times I've kicked myself since!!! )

I was hoping someone out there might ideally have one of these locks, and be willing to test / confirm the EXACT sequence for me, (using their own combo & lock, obviously), or have some first hand knowledge thereof.

The lock MAY have something stuck mechanically ( although it seems unlikely that it would have somehow jammed or stuck in the last few weeks, after oh...a hundred years lol..but ..Murphy is strong against me, it seems ) and if I could KNOW the exact sequence for SURE, and HAVE the numbers..I'll be able to test repeatedly to open it...or know for sure it's just beating my head against a very old door lol.

As it is, I'm just scratching my head and more than a bit frustrated. LoL

Anyone out there have one of these (No 19 Pillards) to test?

Thanks again to everyone who's responded so far. Much appreciated.