After a lot of filing I got the key that opened the lock.

20160623 224626 zpso6xoki68 1

20160623 224432 zpsnmwfkxlx 1

20160623 224351 zps870aenpu 1

I was very happy and excited and had time to take the pictures you see above before closing the padlock again.

Then I felt something small falling. One pin was on the floor and another one was on the table. Now I know why the original key has such a weird looking flat part between the bittings and the bow.
I had to think for a few minutes to understand why the bottom pins of chamber 1 and 2 fell off and to find a way to put them back where they belonged.
I closed the padlock, removed the key and shimmed it open again. I kept the padlock upside down so the top pins in chamber 1 and 2 were sitting in the plug and not in the lock body. I could then open it and insert the bottom pins back in their chambers. If it wasn't possible to shim it I could have broken it at least three times already.

I need to solder something on the bottom of this key to fill the gap between it and the plug. Now that I know it has this defect I can use it alongside with a pick, so the pins can't fly out again. Or I can find a proper key blank and copy the bittings to that blank.

20160623 223924 zpszjmxzisf 1

Comparing the old key I tried to impression earlier with the working one, I see I may still make it work. Looks like I just need to make some cuts deeper. It's strange that I stopped getting marks.

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20160623 224521 zpseqmkgzul 1

Finally the padlock has its strage hasp on again and its working key.

20160623 224921 zpse2ymtykj 1

Cheers :)