Quote Originally Posted by femurat View Post
Interesting. Now I'm curious to see pictures of yours...

Cheers :)
I really ought to press on with photographing and listing mine — my executors won't have any idea what they are. I did start in the 1970's, and still have those file cards but didn't know much about items then.
Sadly in my new house they are crammed into a cabinet ¼ the size they had in my old house, now I can't even see them all to count them. 'Fraid I don't have as much energy these days, and it will be quite a job to haul them out and photograph; and will they ever squeeze back in again?
Don't get excited, there is little of great interest in my accumulation.
However, meantime have a look at a page from Martins Bank archive
I have several specimens of the top four type. There are minor variations, with a warded lock having 2 springbolts. I don't know how many differs there were but every one of mine differs. Some old bank might still have a key to their old Home Safes, but I've only once been lucky there.
These, and the OP's style, can be found around Europe with many variations.
This is a good antique dealer who handles locks, safes, moneyboxes ...
used to be a subscriber when I edited the Newsletter.

Several of my book-style homesafes have makers and patents on them, which I can look for on the Internet.