Welcome to our world exploring the Historical, Political and Technological aspects of Locks, Keys and Safes

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Bournemouth, UK
    Country: UK

    Default Initiatives to help realise the Dream

    Most regular members will be aware that Antique-Locks.com and the associated web sites are provided free of charge to users by The History of Locks Museum. This will not change, these facilities are for many the first place to look or inquire when researching a new piece. Much information is saved here that would otherwise be lost.

    The History of locks Heritage Collection though has grown very large and is exhibited whenever possible, our next major exhibition is at the MLA EXPO 2015 in October at the Telford International Center, UK.

    We also write about our artifacts in magazines such as The Locksmith and Keyways and other publications. We have even been involved in producing specific historical research reports for film production companies.

    HoL (The History of Locks Museum) also sponsors and assists The Lock Collectors Association with publications such as The Lock Collectors Newsletter and other facilities.

    All of our artifacts are also made available to those that wish to make arrangements to visit when specific items are made available to view and examine.

    The time is approaching when we should make plans to permanently house the collection in its own building and therefore certain initiatives are being considered...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Bournemouth, UK
    Country: UK

    Default Paid Advertising on AL

    Its important to us, and I'm sure also to users, that this site doesn't lose its character and turn into an advertising site. The only promotional links on the site so far is the sponsors link at the top of the page and the 'Books & Papers' link in the sidebar, both discreetly benefiting the cause. However there are a few things we can do that will help our dream:-

    1) Underneath your user name, in the header of your post, where for most users it says 'member' we can change to your company name and hyperlink to your website. We will only accept on topic sites, such as for locksmiths, safes dealers, lock manufactures, restorers etc. Off topic sites will not be considered.

    2) Sidebar adverts, again this links to your site and could be just text or contain graphics. Again On-Topic sites only.

    3) Its possible to put a banner at the foot of a page which could appear either on every page or just in a specific sub forum. Again only sites that are relevant to locks/safes etc will be considered.

    By insisting that links and adverts are relevant in some way we feel that the character of the site will be preserved but at the same time also supports the big dream.

    Site rules will remain unchanged regarding spamming/off topic content in the body of posts ensuring that Antique-locks.com stays useful and friendly.

    For more details, costs etc PM or email me: [email protected].

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