Hey guys :)

Just wanted to give you a little update:

I pause the RCV for some days now, because the big work is done and the fine work has to wait until the mechanics inside the frame is done. After that i can continue building the RCV.

The next step now is the pressure bar. It will be a single one with a 32mm shaft (around 3/2 inch) and with 60mm (around 17/8 inch) excenters on both ends. Luckily i found a nice worm gear for the job and with that it will become a really nice looking, massive pressure bar system that will be fit perfectly into the design. The worm gear allows to actually get some momentum on the pressure bar and because of its blocking properties, the bar will remain in the desired position. Also because of the nice brass worm wheel and the polished steel worm it will look quite nice :)

After this i will continue with the fine mechanics stuff.

Keep it real!
