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Thread: George Price

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Devon UK
    Country: UK


    Quote Originally Posted by MaxVaultage View Post
    Same for me, it's never registered before and I'd never made what now seems an obvious connection.
    From what little I know the triangle is the most widely used form of shape in Masonic symbolism, isn't it a triangle or pyramid representation with some sort of 'overseeing' eye on American dollar bills? At a guess GP's triangle and addition of the central 'G' on the escutcheons/badges was probably his own discreet little twist on his marque.
    Ooh it turns out that it could be rather controversial.
    in masonry the G stands for God. It is used in the middle of the compass and square but seemingly only by George in the middle of a Masonic triangle.
    if he has a lodge named after him (although this may for all I know be quite common), there is the possibility he had quite some ego.

  2. #12
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    Country: Wales


    Yes it is strange. Just a quick bit of research and it's clear to see you could spend a month looking into it and still not make any sense of what he meant!
    one thing I found though, is that the letter G can also stand for geometry, and although apparently less used in Britain and Europe, in Ireland it is also used by those who have served as a Master of a Lodge.

  3. #13
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    Carlisle, England.
    Country: England


    Quote Originally Posted by MaxVaultage View Post
    Yes it is strange. Just a quick bit of research and it's clear to see you could spend a month looking into it and still not make any sense of what he meant!
    one thing I found though, is that the letter G can also stand for geometry, and although apparently less used in Britain and Europe, in Ireland it is also used by those who have served as a Master of a Lodge.
    This is getting more interesting by the day. Looked into the G in the middle of the triangle to see if it's meaning could be God or Geometry and the Christian community are dead set against freemasonry and believe its occultic, and seeing that Pricey became very religious in his later years I wonder if he changed his veiws about the freemasons. I might have to end up going to Mordor to throw this key in a volcano to destroy it like in lord of the rings." The plot thickens"

  4. #14

    Default locksmith in clearwater

    George Robert Price (October 6, 1922 – January 6, 1975) was an American population geneticist.
    Originally a physical chemist and later a science journalist, he moved to London in 1967, where he worked in theoretical biology at the Galton Laboratory, making three important contributions: first, rederiving W.D. Hamilton's work on kin selection with a new Price equation; second, introducing (with John Maynard Smith) the concept of the evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS), a central concept in game theory; and third, formalising Fisher's fundamental theorem of natural selection.

  5. #15
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    Country: England


    Quote Originally Posted by Georgevhyde View Post
    George Robert Price (October 6, 1922 – January 6, 1975) was an American population geneticist.
    Originally a physical chemist and later a science journalist, he moved to London in 1967, where he worked in theoretical biology at the Galton Laboratory, making three important contributions: first, rederiving W.D. Hamilton's work on kin selection with a new Price equation; second, introducing (with John Maynard Smith) the concept of the evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS), a central concept in game theory; and third, formalising Fisher's fundamental theorem of natural selection.
    Hi and thanks for your efforts but this George Price was born in 1819 and died 1887.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Tavistock, Devon UK
    Country: Great Britain


    Or it could just mean Gate.

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