Quote Originally Posted by stray View Post
Hey Everyone,

I recently came into care of the attached 1852 Silas Herring "Grasshopper" fireproof safe. It has been with my fire company for a verrrry long time. However, when the past president passed (over 12 years ago) he did so unexpectedly and never told anyone where the key was. My question is whether or not this type of safe might be able to have the lock picked. Previous attempts included shearing off the hinges with a K12, but obviously this didn't work. (I know that was kind of sacrilegious but previous attempts were also made by firemen, not graceful nor completely caring about antiques)

Honestly any information on this safe would be very much appreciated especially it it resulted in not having to further destroy the thing.

A beautiful piece of history, unfortunately forced by someone not aware of it's true worth!!

Sadden by the fact this could be opened with a simple make-up key and contain it's original value and function.