Welcome to our world exploring the Historical, Political and Technological aspects of Locks, Keys and Safes

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Bournemouth, UK
    Country: UK

    Default The History of Locks Research & Social Group

    (HoLRSG) We meet on the 3rd Sunday of the month.

    Note: International members not attending, or those UK members, that can’t get to a gathering we are happy to read out your message just prior to the main talk/activity of the day. Send your message to [email protected]

    The format for the day is always the same: Doors open from 10am, when members can access open book cases in the archive and the interactive models on display and generally interact/network with other members. 12:30-1:30 lunch break (bring your own sandwiches but tea, coffee and biscuits available all day) but you could also continue with research or chatting with others. 1:30-4:00 is always the main program topic (with a tea/coffee break mid-way during the afternoon). You are welcome to stay afterwards for more research/networking. This gives members greatest travel flexibility regarding arrival/departure times.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Bournemouth, UK
    Country: UK

    Default Our Mission

    We have already stated that it seems to be a fundamental human need to preform the ritual of ‘locking up’. It then follows that the study of locks tells us a lot about human instinct. We can also marvel at the mechanics built into an incredible variety and diverse range of locking devises, from belt buckles, wine bottles and caskets through to locks for homes, business and the highest grade safes, depositories and vaults and the sometimes intriguing and complicated rituals associated with their use.

    Our mission therefore is to:
    Seek out and preserve examples of locking devices, those products of the locksmiths craft,
    Create a Locksmith Library,
    Establish and maintain a permanent home for the collection, a Museum of Locks and Locksmithing.
    All to better understand Human Nature…

    In today’s world everything needs the resources to support the idea or project. Our mission is no different. The on-line resources we provide, as well as the future aims, especially the permanent home for the collection, all requires funding. Therefore like most organisations we have the dedicated commercial activities of Morlands and therefore as someone with an interest in locks and keys hope that on occasions, and when you have a need, your patronage helps serve the bigger museum project.

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