Thread: Aubin Lock Trophy
08-07-13, 06:26 PM #1
Aubin Lock Trophy
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09-07-13, 08:06 PM #2
Photographs of Aubin’s Trophy in two sets; the first set has the caption “Items that fit into the previous set of pictures sent to you some time ago” and is a continuation of item ref: ALT1, and the second set are individual pictures of the locks.
Photographed by Bill Stanton during restoration.
Date: 20th century, 1950’s.
Ref No.: ALT1-2 DB ALT1-BF01
Double clip bound folder containing 13 photographs in the first set and 49 in the second set. 235 x 300mm.Access to The History of Locks Museum Archive original documents is welcomed and available to visitors by prior arrangement.
To include your company or product in the Archive send hard-copy (press cuttings, flyers, brochers, catalouges, documents etc,) to:
HoL Archive, 581 Charminster Road, Bournemouth, BH8 9RQ, UK.
Or for more information contact: [email protected].
10-07-13, 06:10 PM #3
Access to The History of Locks Museum Archive original documents is welcomed and available to visitors by prior arrangement.
To include your company or product in the Archive send hard-copy (press cuttings, flyers, brochers, catalouges, documents etc,) to:
HoL Archive, 581 Charminster Road, Bournemouth, BH8 9RQ, UK.
Or for more information contact: [email protected].
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