When I suggested a vaultophile tour I was being semi-humorous, but some seriousness (for any and all) was there as well. There are several other places in NYC that have vaults but which are not openly viewable (e.g. 23 Wall Street, the Woolworth Building, Doug MacQueen's mysterious "lower Manhattan" post several years ago (and I'm not criticising his choice not to specify the exact location)) for which a serious viewing could possibly be arranged. This is probably much more work to organize than it's worth.

Back to the Trinity vault, it's a bit odd. It looks like there are two modern Mosler 302/402 locks (not surprising given the age of the door and the probability that parts had to be replaced), a missing timelock, and a huge automatic bolt motor. A real mixed mess of equipment. I wonder if it was originally a fully automatic mechanism, then later altered to a more common two-lock-and-timer arrangement. A really serious visit might include comparing the two big doors (with careful photography, I've noticed things in my own photos I never noticed in person), as well as a trip to the emergency door.