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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Devon UK
    Country: UK


    i think that I may have a chrome one of them - I shall have a look.

  2. #12


    Thank you ALL for your replies, interest and expertise. After some follow-up, I believe pschiffe to be correct in his ID as an Eagle Lock #2001. Thank you pschiffe!!!

    Now to find one. I am trying my hardest to create an accurate reproduction of the chest, So I prefer not to consider other locks until I am convinced an Eagle 2001 is unobtainable.

    Anyone's got one, please let me know. If you know someone who does, please inform them of my interest. Your continued help is more appreciated than I can say.

    Thanks all, and happy New Year.


  3. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Country: United States

    Default Are you still looking for a lock? or have you completed the reproduction?

    Hi, I just came across this thread, and MAY have something you could use. But before I go digging in the dungeon, I wanted to see if you in fact still need it. (as your last post was almost a year ago) :)
    let me know.

    Quote Originally Posted by appertwoodcraft View Post
    Thank you ALL for your replies, interest and expertise. After some follow-up, I believe pschiffe to be correct in his ID as an Eagle Lock #2001. Thank you pschiffe!!!

    Now to find one. I am trying my hardest to create an accurate reproduction of the chest, So I prefer not to consider other locks until I am convinced an Eagle 2001 is unobtainable.

    Anyone's got one, please let me know. If you know someone who does, please inform them of my interest. Your continued help is more appreciated than I can say.

    Thanks all, and happy New Year.


  4. #14


    Jim, I'm still looking. Please dig if you can.


  5. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Country: United States

    Default Found it.

    Hi Nick,
    Ok, I dug out what I remembered having, it looks identical to the eagle lock pictured here:
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	EagleCombinationChestLockNo2001.jpg 
Views:	37 
Size:	3.2 KB 
ID:	14767
    However, I don't have the top piece with the hooks. Mine does not say anything in the center of the dial either, so could have been a knock off at the time. I think that top piece would be a lot easier to track down or even fabricate, as it looks like the same type used in most roll top desks. The thickness of the wood this lock is made to fit is 7/8".
    The overall dimensions are 3 7/8" Left to right, 2 17/32" top to bottom. The dial ring is 2 3/8". The dial can be put on in one of 17 different positions, to give 17 different possible combinations. The combination is determined AFTER the lock and ring are mounted, by viewing through a hole in the back while turning and lining up the gates. It is a three wheel lock, dialing sequence is L-R-L-R til stop. This lock is very old, and should be plated or something as you can't even read the numbers easily. Let me know if this sounds like something you may want, and I'll take some pics of it, and figure a price.


    Quote Originally Posted by appertwoodcraft View Post
    Jim, I'm still looking. Please dig if you can.


  6. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2016
    Country: United States


    There might be someone that might have one. I will PM you the name and number.

  7. #17


    please do annarosy, and thank you!

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