thanks( oldbiscuit) & (BBE) well the info that someone may have forced the lock ,that was on my mind before I bought it , but will give it the velvet mallet song . Next the amount of buttons to be pressed on the Edwards are they the same as the other brand names and if not do Edwards change the amount of buttons to be pressed 0n this type.The buttons on my lock have same amount of dirt /oil on all buttons both sides . I do hope that the lock will shut as I would like to open it (blood sweat tears ) like the advice that this problem has generated so far , I do not have Photoshop. I have noticed that on one side the buttons on my lock each have 3 lines on them then I found someone on utube who made a very flat 2 prong tool lifted the button and moved the button he said if the tool faced anti clockwise that pushed down or if clockwise pushed up . hope I got that right. One last question should the lock be open / closed when I tap it . gus