Reissue USRE1193 of 4 June 1861 was assigned to Baldwin & the inventor was J H Butterworth.


---------- Post added at 05:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:35 PM ----------

Quote Originally Posted by Jack Sullivan View Post
On p. 58 is presented J H Butterworth's Combination Lock with no patent reference other than ' Also patented in 1846 was J H Butterworth's Combination Lock.' I found a patent to J H Butterworth as US4452 of 11 April 1846 & A Reissue to inventor George G Baldwin & assigned to Butterworth (USRE1193 of 4 June 1861). While I'm not an expert on lock mechanics these appear to be the patents reffered to in the book.

Footnote 28 on p. 58 actually refers to footnote 27 on p. 347.

Footnote 29, referring to '...prior patents for permutation lock designs' actually refers to footnote 28 on p. 347 referencing only patents by J R and H C Campbell (1835), E Finney (1839) & D Maples (1844), with no patent numbers given, leaving the reader to locate these documents if he did not already have them. I don't have these patents in my files & could not locate them with quick name searches. I was hoping that Doug or someone else might be able to supply this info. Manually searching a year's worth of patents is a very time consuming endeavor otherwise.

Luckily both the Finney & Maples patents are found in the same patent class as the Butterworth lock: 70/307:

Finney 1839 - US1173
Maples 1844 - US3842

That leaves only the 1835 patent to the Campbells as missing.
