Forum: Antique-Locks The Forum
The forum with a world view of Antique/Historical locks & keys...
Combination, Padlock, Safe, etc. or brands like Sargent & Greenleaf, Yale etc. or even use a combination of terms.
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(90 Viewing)Moderator: Awaiting/TBA |There is something about a key that is undeniably irresistible. Many collectors are both fanatical and passionate for specimens and information. This is the forum for you…
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- Threads: 420
- Posts: 2,693
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(130 Viewing)Moderator: Awaiting/TBA | Perhaps one of the earliest forms of a locking device. Post in this category all maner of Padlocks including: Combination, Fakes Fraud & Fantasy padlocks, Key Operation, Railroad, Seal, Story Padlocks, etc.
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- Threads: 841
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(14 Viewing)Moderator: Chris Gower | A forum for all things custodial including Prison & cell locks, Handcuffs, Leg Irons and other restraints
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- Threads: 9
- Posts: 19
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Patent & Propriety Locks
(57 Viewing)Moderator: awaiting/TBA | Post in this forum locks that demonstrate a Patent, or a Security Feature or even a Brand Name or Logo. You will find here Locks for: Doors, Furniture, Safes, Vaults, including: Combination Locks for Safes, Key Locks for Safes, Time Locks & Bolt Motors, Unit Locks, etc.
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 367
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Pre Industrial Revolution Locks
(12 Viewing)Moderator: Awaiting/TBA |The lockmaking scene changed late in the 18th century when the Industrial Revolution got under way and locking principles started to be explored. This forum therefore is for the many and varied interesting locks before 1778 where the fixed ward or spring barbs were the means of security.
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 31
- Posts: 189
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Caskets, Coffers & Chests
(11 Viewing)Moderator: Awaiting/TBA | This appealing category is for single skin locking boxes and might include items like: Chests, Deed Boxes, Dispatch Boxes, Money Boxes, Toy Banks, etc., and made from a range of materials including, brass, cast iron, iron, steel, wood, plastic, porcelain, etc.
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 39
- Posts: 243
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Safes, Strongrooms & Vaults.
(136 Viewing)Moderator: Awaiting/TBA | The first double skin safes began to appear towards the end of the Georgian period. Tann, founded in 1795, claims to be the oldest safe maker. Post and explore here all antique/vintage double skin safes, Strongrooms & Vaults.
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 1,022
- Posts: 9,715
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Safe Plates, Badges & Escutcheons
(34 Viewing)Pictures of Safe Plates, Escutcheons and other non lock hardware can be posted here.
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 107
- Posts: 684
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Miscellaneous Question & Answer Forum
(63 Viewing)Post here your ‘Antique-Lock’ questions and topics that don’t fit in one of the above forums or if you are unsure where to post. (Admin’s & Moderators may move)
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 980
- Posts: 5,032
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This safe appeared just before the end of the century, named to suggest it was ahead of its time. Price was in poor health in his last years, with a live-in nurse. Without his drive, the company...
George Price doors